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How Wise Move works

We built Wise Move to make it easy for you to find and connect with trusted local moving professionals. Our platform is the stepping stone to make removals easier and more streamlined than ever before and it all starts with one click.
By Wise Move  ·  Updated 5 Sep 2023  ·  1-min read
How Wise Move works

We’re dedicated to connecting you with the best, most efficient and most cost-effective movers in South Africa, both at a local and a national level.

We put trust and excellence at the heart of everything we do and we make everything that much simpler by giving you what you need all in one place.

With thousands of reviews, an easy-to-use platform and the fastest way to get delivery quotes in South Africa - it’s all centred around making the removal process as easy as possible.

What we do

Wise Move was established in 2017 with the aim of giving both customers and moving companies control over the removals process, by providing the necessary tools to simplify every job.

With an accessible and easy-to-use platform, we’re all about paving the way to more transparent transactions and vetted professional connections.

Our sustainability

We don't just stop at making your life easier, we also want to make your community a better place. That's why Wise Move is dedicated to making our world a greener and more sustainable place.

Our business is a proud member of 1% For The Planet— a key initiative run by the founder of Patagonia, which sees participating organisations donate 1% of all of their sales towards green grassroots charities that work to create a more carbon-negative society.

Along with our membership to the initiative, our platform enables movers and moving companies to take on work as part of their backloads – jobs that can be completed on return journeys – a system which reduces the need for extra miles on the clock, and consequently, fewer carbon emissions into the atmosphere.

Make your next move a little greener with Wise Move.

Information contained in this article may have changed since publication.

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